Nature is great and admirable. The Creator is indeed a genius of colouring. Human beings have the power of healing themselves. Past time never comes back, I think of the present time and look back to the past. I wonder I may regret what happened? Days pass following the wind, Even with the longevity of one hundred years, We are just travellers.
Nature is great and admirable. The Creator is indeed a genius of colouring. Human beings have the power of healing themselves. Past time never comes back, I think of the present time and look back to the past. I wonder I may regret what happened? Days pass following the wind, Even with the longevity of one hundred years, We are just travellers.
In this vast universe, human beings have the vicissitude, Everything in nature has its start and finish. Everything comes and goes, Yet human beings can march on, even in their limited life, Their splendid ambition penetrates through heaven and earth.
おぼろげな月光のもとに、私にはよくわからない夢と星の光が映ってくる。 過去の数々が思い出され、突然私の心の扉を開くのだ。 伝説では、死者が黄泉の国からなんとも知れぬ生を与えてくれるという。 生前の過去の数々、前世の数々を忘れぬようにということかもしれない。 何故人は、殊更に過去のことを忘れよというのだろう。 In the vague light of the moon, Unknown dream and stars are visible. The memories of past come back and open the door of my soul, A legend tells us the dead may bring back life to this world, Perhaps, to remind us the deceased. Why do people say we should part from the past?